[Salon] Live starts soon: Project Ukraine unravels

Project Ukraine unravels 
Wednesday Live at 2:00 PM EST

The Grayzone's Max Blumenthal and Aaron Mate connect the dots between ongoing revelations of Biden family corruption and the Ukraine proxy war, explaining how the former VP and those around him helped set up Kiev as a base for US plunder and war profiteering. They also cover Robert F. Kennedy Jr. casting his lot with the Israel's lobby's most fanatical elements, while Cornel West emerges as a threat to Biden's re-election campaign.

DC Uniparty kills House resolutions to end US emergency powers in Iraq, Syria, Libya and Yemen
In a massive show of support for limitless executive power, Congress rejected legislation that would have terminated national emergency powers allowing Washington to wage war across the Middle East. 
These same emergency powers give the president the power to lift bans on testing biological weapons on US citizens.
Leaked files suggest hidden British hand in latest Kerch Bridge strike
The Grayzone has exposed British intelligence freelancers for collaborating with Ukraine’s Security Service to destroy Kerch Bridge. Leaked documents suggest they played a role in the latest attack on the bridge, and may be helping Kiev hunt down accused collaborators.
House votes down amendment to block cluster bomb shipments to Ukraine
As US cluster munitions arrived in Ukraine, a bi-partisan vote struck down an effort to stop the internationally banned weapons’ transfer.
Meanwhile, every House Democrat and a majority of Republicans voted down a measure to strip $300 million of Ukraine aid from the NDAA.
Biden’s corruption led to Ukraine’s destruction: fmr. Kiev diplomat
Former Ukrainian diplomat and political insider Andrii Telizhenko — now under US sanctions on what he says are false grounds — speaks out.
British intelligence in the dock for CIA torture
Recent developments raise the prospect that British intelligence agents could finally face justice for their little-known role in the CIA’s global torture program.
Leaked documents reveal Reuters helped overthrow Egyptian democracy
Reuters served as a channel for the UK Foreign Office to covertly fund an Egyptian outlet that clamored for the overthrow of the country’s first democratically elected leader, leaked documents show.
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